The Importance of Family Photos: A Personal Reflection

Recently, I visited my uncle in the West Country and was treated to a glimpse into our family's past.

As he shared his old photo album with me, this one photo in particular really stood out. It was of my maternal grandparents on their honeymoon in Blackpool in September 1935. My grandparents, only in their early 20s, looked so young and stylish, it really was lovely to see. This made me think about the power of photographs and how they connect us to our past, remind us of people, places, feelings, and stories, and help us to know who we are.

As a photographer, I understand the importance of capturing these moments and preserving them for future generations. However, family photos often end up on the back burner, with the intention of taking them "next year" when you’re more ready. But why wait? The value of photographs cannot be overstated, and they are a way to connect with our personal history, providing a tangible reminder of our experiences and shaping our identity.

It made me think of a lovely quote by actor Hugh Laurie:

So why wait to capture your memories and experiences? Invest in professional photography to ensure that your personal history is documented for future generations to come. They like me, with the photo of my grand parents, will be glad you did.

For your own family photographs, click the button below to get in touch!

Celine Hare