How to feel less anxious during childbirth
As a newborn photographer in Harpenden, I meet many mums who have just gone though childbirth. As I get to know them I always find it interesting to hear their birth stories, as they are all unique and individual. Through this I have started to learn a bit more about HypnoBirthing and the positive experiences that, I hope, in the future take over from the ‘horror stories’ that are commonly bandied around when we are expecting a baby.
My Experience
I have had 2 babies, in hospital with an epidural each time so I pretty much reflect 75% of the birthing population here in the UK. No horror story to tell but I do wish I was better informed about how to manage anxiety – both of pain that we associate with labour and quite simply the fear of the unknown.
These fears and negative thoughts create anxiety and stress as they ruminate around the brain, getting bigger and more frightening the closer you get to your due date. Consequently, if we only focus on the pain then we can pretty much guarantee that things are going be painful. Then, when this inevitably happens we become less calm, less in control and we are fully prepared to surrender ourselves over to doctors and hospitals, as ‘they know best’.
I have come to find out that a HypnoBirth can give you back your sense of empowerment, control and the ability to cancel out ALL of those fears that you might have. It is not about telling you to avoid medication or having a home birth or anything ‘weird’ – it’s about helping you and your partner to calmly decide on what is going to be the best birth for you.
I didn’t know this amazing fact, but, your body naturally produces a cocktail of pain relieving birth hormones that are 200 times stronger than morphine - imagine that? Far more potent than any available drug. The trick is knowing how to release them YOURSELF and being aware of what triggers can slow them down or even stop them in their tracks.
Fear is the Enemy
As women, we all have these afore mentioned birthing hormones - a cocktail of endorphins and oxytocin. However when we become stressed e.g. during contractions we tense up and our bodies produce adrenaline as an emergency response. The bad news is, adrenaline BLOCKS these powerful pain-relieving hormones. Instantly.
The local birthing expert in Harpenden is Joan Mills from Birthwell. She teaches the Wise Hippo birth programme, and for the last 10 years she has guided over a thousand couples to have the birth they always wanted. Even IF the birth doesn’t go to plan, which can be the case, she can still help you to calmly get through a caesarean birth so that you can still feel confident and in control of what’s happening.
Her course lasts 10 hours in total and that is broken down into 4 sessions of 2.5 hours. Group lessons take place in her home in Harpenden (as shown below) or in Verulam Clinic in At Albans. After each session you and your partner have a series of mp3s to listen to and a little bit of homework! Repetition is really important, learning her breathing techniques and skills will help you get into that day dreamy trance like state so you can expertly tune into the changes that take place in your body and respond appropriately.
Joan Mills with her HypnoBirthing couples in Harpenden
Your Other Half
HypnoBirthing also has a strong focus on the role of your partner, as they are very involved throughout the entire process. As you are going through labour, there may be times when you are not in a position to give all the answers to doctors and midwives. However, having done the course your partner will be ready to take the initiative and be intuitive to your needs, so much so that they will be able to talk for you - WITH CONFIDENCE.
Regardless of the type of birth her couples have, Joan has only ever experienced positive feedback to her HypnoBirthing techniques. If you’d like further information in then please take a look at Joan’s website,
Your Final Reward!
Last but not least, to celebrate the birth of your beautiful new baby why not consider booking a newborn photoshoot to document this brand new chapter in your life so you’ll always be reminded of this incredible time!